Cayce Pollard is a cool hunter. She works for the corporations detecting whether a logo, fashion accesory or new social trend will work, and she travels the world in search of them. As an advertising consultant, her mission is to find the tangible and intangible items that can be succesfully marketed worldwide.
But besides this talent, she also suffers from an archaic, deeply rooted phobia: semiotic paranoia. In everyday life, this means she feels a completely disabling panic triggered by certain symbols, behaviors and objects.
The Michelin Man was the first trademark to which she exhibited a phobic reaction. She had been six.
"He took a duck in the face at two hundred and fifty knots," she recites, softly.
Voytek blinks. "You say?"
"I'm sorry," Cayce says.
It is a mantra.
A friend of her father's, an airline pilot, had told her, in her teens, of a colleague of his who had impacted a duck, on climbout from Sioux City. The windscreen shattered and the inside of the cockpit became a hurricane. The plane landed safely, and the pilot had survived, and returned to flying with shards of glass lodged permanently within his left eye.
pato-en-la-cara operates as a closed circuit of poetry, essay, drama; within a time frame: 2006-2015. It doesn't accepts manuscripts, it has no secrets, and aspires to generate the effect of a continuous work: stone over stone over stone.
Past, present and future releases:
1. Espantasuegras, by Bárbara Belloc
2. Poemas y animales sueltos, by Teresa Arijón
3. 10.45.50 (MiniCD)
4. Poema y fragmentos completos, by Sappho
5. El perro continuo, by Teresa Arijón and Manuel Hermelo
6. Hélio Oiticica: Qual é o parangolé? y otros escritos, by Waly Salomao
7. Teoría y práctica de la tragedia
8. m-Talá, by Chus Pato
9. Un día de estos, by Angela Melim
10. MiniCD
11. Intuiciones, enseñanzas y poesía, by Lal Ded
12. Agamenón, by Aeschyllus
13. El ladrillo hueco, by John Berger
14. Teoría y práctica de la lírica
In every set of 7 books pato-en-la-cara publishes two titles of contemporary poetry, an original translation of an ancient work, an essay on art and sociology, a play, a selection of articles on a literary genre, and a MiniCD with new soundworks about orality. The collection (the series) amplifies the idea of saying a word just in time, regardless of when it is heard. By doing so, pato-en-la-cara proposes a continuous-discontinuous way of reading, something to be kept in memory, to know by heart, to be described, to carry with one.